Should I take my Stafford to the Dog Park?

There are pro’s and con’s to a dog park but first let me say your “Pitbull” will most likely get the blame for any issues. I know you don’t have a pitbull, you have a Stafford but most general public & dog owners don’t understand the difference. Whilst there is a difference, Staffords were originally bred for fighting and while they may not start a fight, they don’t often back down from one. Our breed in general prefers the company of people first and foremost followed by a select few dog friends. Many could care less about having dog friends all together. We personally avoid them, even when traveling as the risk vs reward is just not there in our opinion.

Dogs At Play

There is a lot about dog play that we humans miss. For one thing, many of us confuse play and aggression. Play can look aggressive, but it’s generally enjoyable to both dogs if you see these signs:

  • Play bows (front legs outstretched, hind quarter up)
  • Bark or high-pitched growl
  • Balance between being on top and being on bottom
  • Mouth open when play biting
  • Hackles aren’t up (for most breeds)
  • Dogs stop and start again
  • More side to side than forward movement
  • Relaxed, loose bodies

NOTE: Growling, snapping and biting are common during play! When dogs play off-leash, you should know the difference between polite interactions and signs of trouble. Use the signals below to decide if your dog is safe or if it’s time to stop playing. Play, under normal circumstances, happens in short spurts. If not, you should interrupt the play, so the dogs can calm down, before letting them loose again.

Polite Dog to Dog Interactions

Dogs that are polite and get along with each other:

  • Approach other dogs in an arc
  • Move slowly and calmly
  • Avoid eye contact
  • May sniff other dog
  • Soft eyes, ears, tails and bodies

NOTE: Dogs walked on a leash are forced to approach each other head on.

Signs of Trouble

These behaviors can be a warning sign of trouble:

  • Staring at the other dog
  • One dog standing with his head and neck over the other dog’s neck or shoulders in a “t” position
  • Walking around the other dog with
    • Legs stiff
    • Neck arched
    • Tail held high

Why Dog Parks Are Most Likely Not Appropriate For Your Stafford

Play Styles: Different dogs have different play styles (chasing, wrestling, body slamming, biting…) that aren’t compatible. So, growing tension among dogs is inevitable. Arousal: Dogs at dog parks are in a high state of arousal that can quickly turn to aggression. With so many dogs together in one place and humans who encourage their dogs to play non-stop, there is almost no chance for a dog to calm down. When aroused, chemicals are released into a dog’s bloodstream that were once useful for dogs’ survival, but which now only serve to amp up our dogs. These don’t dissipate right away, leading to dogs that are on alert even when they’re away from the dog park. When on leash, some of these dog park dogs chafe at being restricted and have trouble staying calm near other dogs. Bullies: There are some dogs that bully other dogs and others that have never learned polite dog interaction. These dogs approach head-on, stare, or don’t heed another dog’s warning to back off. When your dog enters a dog park, the other dogs surround him, and, sometimes, loose packs of dogs roam the dog park menacing other dogs. And Bullied: You see dogs that jump on their humans, hide behind them, stay near the fence, cower, or move away when another dog comes near. They are doing everything they can to tell their people that they don’t want to be there. But so many of us think it’s good for them or that they are actually enjoying themselves that we ignore their pleas to leave. You CANNOT make your dog like other dogs by forcing him to be around them, especially in a busy and unpredictable dog park. Human Inattention & Lack of Understanding: The humans often don’t pay attention, are defensive about their own dogs, and don’t recognize the signals that dogs give to each other and to us. Some will bring toys or balls to the dog park and then get upset when nearby dogs go after them. We have even heard of people who kicked, hit, or picked up and threw another person’s dog because they deemed that dog’s behavior to be threatening (even though it was normal dog behavior that didn’t require intervention). Health: No one is checking on whether the dogs at dog parks are healthy or have had their vaccinations. And when aroused play becomes aggressive, dogs have been bitten, badly injured, or have died from injuries suffered at dog parks. Predatory Drift: Some dogs are more predatory than others. They were bred to chase and kill other animals. At some point, while chasing a furry looking dog that may resemble a rabbit or squirrel to them, their animal instinct may kick in. The dog may stalk, pick up, and shake another dog as if it were prey. Long-Term Effects: If something happens at the dog park – your dog is scared, bitten, or a fight breaks out nearby – your dog’s behavior can be affected from then on. Even one bad experience can have long-term effects on your dog.

What You Can Do Instead

Socialization around other dogs is important but this can be achieved in other ways such as puppy kindergarten and basic obedience classes. Many training venues also have puppy socials that are monitored by professional trainers that can identify when puppies are behaving appropriately, or not, and redirect them or swap out puppies into different groups based on play styles. Dogs need exercise, including play, but playtime needs to be a good experience for everyone. Don’t discount the importance of playtime at home with you. You are your stafford’s best friend and most sought-after companion. Arrange play dates with dogs that you know are compatible and healthy. Keep in mind, though, that even best friends can become overly aroused, leading to aggression in an instant. Breaking up play every few minutes helps keep the arousal level low and teaches the dogs that they don’t always have to be manic in the company of other dogs. Go get your puppy, and give him a gentle massage while talking softly. If your puppy tries to leave or wriggles, be patient and stay calm. Then, let the dogs loose to play again. Remember that until your puppy learns that your intervention is a pleasant experience and only temporary, you can’t compete with dogs at play. If exercise is your goal, there are a lot of ways for you to exercise your puppy and it doesn’t have to all be physical. Teaching your dog to “find it” (look for hidden treats) or do nosework training, targeting, tug or playing with a ball or toy. Most of us don’t realize that when our dogs use their brains, it tires them as much as physical exercise and is just as important. Practice training cues, or teach your dog tricks. Use interactive toys that require a dog to pull, push, drop, roll, or tug to get treats to fall out. Your dog will try to figure out why treat fell out one time and not the next. Puzzle toys can be even more challenging. The dog has to lift or slide multiple pieces at different levels to get to the treats hidden inside. There is no limit to the ways you can provide physical exercise and mental stimulation for your stafford without risking their health and well-being at a dog park. If they could, most would thank you.